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Time Flies ....

Whew, I can’t believe it’s already been six months. I guess it’s testament to what they say when you’re having fun, as I have so enjoyed these initial months in my role, getting to know our talented team, our promising club members, and so many of you, our wonderful supporters in the community. I am so grateful for the warm reception from everyone I have met to date. Everyone has been so gracious, welcoming, and helpful. And for those whom I haven’t met yet, I am looking forward to meeting you soon.


I joined the organization at a very exciting time. When I started…


  • We were a couple of months into the construction of our new Teen Center. Now, we are essentially just weeks away from the project being complete. We should be taking possession of the building—the former Warnoco Rolling Skating rink—in mid-April and will then work diligently to get moved and settled into the facility in time to formally begin serving club members in the building with summer programming, starting May 28th. Mark your calendars for an official ribbon cutting and open house, and a chance to tour the center on Saturday, June 15th.

  • Shortly after I arrived, I got to see some of our club members shine their brightest at our Hope Breakfast / Youth of the Year event last December, where Falis Derow was named by our esteemed judges as the Boys & Girls Clubs of Weld County Youth of the Year, and is now getting ready to represent us at the statewide competition on April 16th.

  • Our statewide alliance was busy stewarding and has since helped influence the introduction of a House Bill this legislative session that, if passed, will open up funding for which after-school programs (or out-of-school-time programs) could apply.

  • And excitingly, our Board of Directors began a strategic planning process earlier this year that is identifying our strategic priorities for the next three years, and will include charting our course for growth, from innovative programming, to serving more kids, as Weld County continues to be one of the fastest growing counties in the state, and the fastest growing county among youth ages 6-18.  


More to come on all of the above, but it’s certainly an exciting time for Boys & Girls Clubs of Weld County and we’ll continue to keep you apprised of all that’s happening via our Be Great Bulletin, our website, and our social media channels. In the meantime, thank you again for the warm welcome and for all that you do to support the important work we do for those youth who need us the most. I look forward to seeing all who can make our Elegant Night Gala at the end of April, at the ribbon cutting for new Teen Center in June, or simply out in the community.

Dave Dixon, CEO

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